Baked Curry Fries

Do you ever get tired of feeling guilty when you’re scarfing down french fries from any fast food place?  No?  Me neither! 🙂 However, every once in a while it’s nice to do something a little different.  I love to bake my cut up potatoes no matter how I make them because I can get…

Baked Spaghetti Squash

A few months ago I decided that I was going to take the scary leap into learning how to bake this new fandangled thing called a spaghetti squash.  It has been around for a few years and while I know that Zach doesn’t like squash, I wanted to finally give it a try.  (Post recipe…

Stuffed Chiles

Let’s talk stuffed peppers.  Stuffed bell peppers are a huge hit in the “eating healthy” community.  It serves as a dish for anything you could possibly want to put in it.  It can really be a pretty dish and it’s super healthy for you (depending on the stuffing!).  I have made stuffed bell peppers a…

Onion and Herb Squash

Being a picky eater can get old very quickly. My boyfriend and I are the pickiest of picky when it comes to a lot of different foods. Luckily we agree on most things but there are a handful of items that he just can’t stand but I absolutely love. Enter squash into the equation. I…

Baked Taco Salad Shells

If anyone has EVER read this blog, you should all know how much I love Mexican food!  And let me tell you, taco salads are no exception!  (although I make mine more on the unhealthy side versus a REAL taco SALAD.)  It essentially turns into a huuuuuuuuge tostada!  Anywho, to make them a touch healthier,…